Arabidopsis thaliana Genomu Üzerinde LTR Retrotranspozonların Yerlerinin Belirlenmesi


  • Mehmet GEZGİNCİ
  • Matej LEXA

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Arabidopsis thaliana, Bioinformatics, LTR Retrotransposons, Python, Integrative Genomics Viewer


Transposons are mobile genetics elemets found in DNA. These elements could contribute to cause diaseses or produce desired genes
more. Arabidopsis thaliana has a widespread, small genome and it is an annual plant. Thanks to these properties scientists sequenced all
genome of A. thaliana. It is easy to access the sequences via internet. In this study we aimed to find and visualize LTR retrotransposons in A.
thaliana. For the study, all genome sequences belonging to A. thaliana, and known LTR retrotransposons downloaded using Internet. To
prove existence of transposons in A. thaliana, BLAST was done between the genome sequences and the LTR retrotransposons. Outputs of
BLAST were transferred to database created in Sequel Pro application. Using the database algorithms was written in Python. Output of the
algorithms was used in Integrative Genomics Viewer application to visualize retrotransposon in A. thaliana. As a result it was proven all
chromosomes of A. thaliana had retrotransposons LTR. This information could allow scientists to develop new treatment techniques.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

GEZGİNCİ, M., & LEXA, M. (2019). Arabidopsis thaliana Genomu Üzerinde LTR Retrotranspozonların Yerlerinin Belirlenmesi. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 8(1), 19–21. Geliş tarihi gönderen




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